DIGITAL GOLD. The New Standard
for your Crypto.

5 min readDec 28, 2020


Today we will talk about gold, about Digital Gold project, how it is profitable to keep your money there, why you should buy gold, how to store and acquire gold, about the most profitable way to store and buy gold.

About gold. Introduction.

Gold is a precious metal. It was found by people a very long time ago, and since that moment, gold is very much appreciated in our world. For many years, everyone knows that if you keep gold with you, then you will constantly have money, because you can sell gold absolutely at any time.

Today it is the most popular metal used in jewelry making. Gold is so valuable because its limited amount on our planet and every day it becomes more difficult to mine. And when you have something that is not enough in the world, then of course you can sell it at a normal price, it will be appreciated by other people.

Below we can see the value of gold for the period from 1830 to 2020.

As we can see, the price of gold is constantly growing.
From 1830 to 2020, the price of the metal rose from zero to two thousand dollars.

By investing money in gold, you can be sure that you are investing money in the right business. This is an absolutely reliable asset, it does not depend on the stock market in any way, therefore it cannot fall in price, this asset completely depends on its own state in the market.

I described what gold is and why you need to keep your money there, I think you have already decided to invest your money there.

Now, I need to tell you how to start investing your money in gold.

How to start?

There are so many ways you can invest money in gold. But, today I will not tell you about banal ways, it is to buy from a bank and keep in a bank, I will tell you about a more profitable and better way to invest money in gold.

This will not be a government project, this is a cryptocurrency project, it is decentralized, but no need to be afraid, I will tell you why this project can be trusted.

This project is Digital Gold. The project created its own token and tied it to real gold, so to speak, made a stable GOLD, such as USDT.

The token is called GOLD.

GOLD Ethereum-based ERC20 token is a convenient and instant way to store, buy, sell or transfer investment grade gold.

It may seem to you that this is all some kind of deception and you will buy ordinary tokens that no one needs and then you will not be able to sell them? But no, below I will try to prove to you why this project can be trusted.

Why is the project worth trusting?

1.Complete attachment to real gold. It’s hard to believe, but it’s really so, they were able to do so.

2. Complete project transparency. The project is completely decentralized, only you have access to the management of your assets.

3. Complete anonymity and privacy. When buying these tokens, the project itself will never ask you for any personal data, this can only be done by the exchange on which you will buy the coin.

GOLD coin high liquidity system

GOLD tokens can be instantly bought or sold on a number of exchanges and on our website. This allows GOLD holders to open and close positions in seconds, which is not possible with physical gold in the vault.

Finally, you can store your savings in the most reliable asset of the millennium — and still maintain complete control.

How did they do it?

The project itself is a liquidity supplier to the market. They have their own market, where you can buy any amount of gold at any time.

Also, I think that high liquidity in the market, at least a little, but supports the value of the coin, does not allow it to jump sharply in price.

No Commissions and Low Costs.

GOLD is a new type of stablecoin designed for cryptocurrency professionals and precious metals investors seeking maximum privacy.

You will not be charged a commission for transfers, transfers are absolutely free. For the use of these gold you will be charged, but this will be a minimum annual fee of 0.99% (0.0027% per day).

Comparison of GOLD token among other stablecoins:

My words about the Digital Gold project:

I told you enough about this project, about its merits, gave as an example how the GOLD token, in the form of a stablecoin, will be better than other stableions you know.

I have only one piece of advice for you, if you invest money in gold, be sure to use this system, because it is completely transparent and safe.

About the creators of the Digital Gold project:


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